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来源: 红酒客    作者: 沈昊    2012-07-05 11:53:11



一见到我,陈庄主就用她那一贯的真诚、直率问我:“有没有去试过Caves d'Esclans的桃红酒。”我回答:“没有”。两人交流了一下,我觉得非常有兴趣去品鉴一下。可是,展馆太大了,又没有具体的展位号,见我有点迷茫,陈芳说还是我带你过去吧。于是,跟著陈庄主,一路来到Caves d'Esclans展位。热情的Caves d'Esclans庄主在陈芳将我介绍给他们后,端上了Caves d'Esclans Sacha Lichine Les Clans Rose。清澈的酒液。有着淡淡的三文鱼色,散发出焦糖,汽油,柠檬,青苹果,酸橙,甘草味。轻轻地啜上一口,口中充满了中等偏上的甘草风味。整支酒属于中等偏上的酒体,有很高的酸度。不愧是一款高质量的桃红酒。应该说是普罗旺斯最好的桃红酒之一。






I feel so tired on the afternoon of my second day in the Vinexpo, while for the appointment with Mrs. Chen Fang—the second generation of Grace Vineyards, I decided to go to the booth of the Grace Vineyards. When I arrived at the booth, I was told by the employees of winery what Chen has left yet few minutes ago. However Mrs. Chen suddenly appeared with smile while I was felt so disappointed.


Mrs. Chen asked me by her consistently straightforward way“Have you tried the rose wine of Caves d'Esclans?”I answer“No” Absolutely, I have interested in the wine which she has mentioned. After our short discussion, Mrs. Chen worried about that I can not found the booth because of the large scale of the exhibition hall, she decided to be a guide of me. Followed by Chen, we finally successfully found the booth of Caves d'Esclans, the passionate owner of the winery gave me a cup of “Caves d'Esclans Sacha Lichine Les Clans Rose Cotes de Provence 2011” . The wine has clear, pale salmon pink color. The Nose indicates caramel, gas, lemon, green apple, lime, liquorice. Medium+ liquorice notes on the palate. Medium+ body with high acidity. A premium rose wine exactly. It should be one of the best rose wines of Provence.


In fact, I was so curious about the reason for why Mrs. Chen has interested in the rose wine as well as the sparkling wine, that the Grace Vineyards has not produced any rose wine and sparkling wine, so maybe the next target of the Grace Vineyards will be rose wine and sparkling wine?

I am expecting…