Last night, I’ve taken part in the Helan Qingxue Vineyard Jia Bei Lan Grand Reserve tasting which hold by Jovino, Mr. Demei Li has been invited to share his experience with all. We tasting the wines as well as review any details of the Helan.
2011年9月,“中国贺兰晴雪酒庄”加贝兰珍藏级干红2009年份荣获《品醇客》国际葡萄酒大赛国际奖,是迄今中国酒庄曾获得的最高奖项,也是给予宁夏贺兰山脚下这个优质葡萄酒庄的创建者们的真知灼见和辛勤劳动的最大鼓舞。贺兰晴雪酒庄以生产耐存储、有潜力的波尔多式红酒为特色,被誉为中国真正具备世界顶级葡萄酒生产条件的产区-宁夏的一颗耀眼明星。贺兰晴雪酒庄位于贺兰山东麓,位于银川平原西部。系黄河冲积平原与贺兰山冲积扇之间的洪积平原地带,总面积为362万亩。 贺兰山东麓地区属中温带半干旱气候区,年平均气温 8.9℃,4-9月活动积温3289℃,日照时数3029.6小时,年降雨150-200mm。干燥少雨,光照充足,昼夜温差大。 这里是沙砾结合型土质,透气极佳。西有贺兰山天然屏障抵御寒流,东有引黄灌渠横穿而过,可满足葡萄生长各个时期的水分需要。
Helan Fine Snow (He Lan Qing Xue) is one of the eight famous scenes in Ningxia. It describes the white and shining snow on the top of Helan Mountain under the blue sky on a Sunny June day. The name comes from a poem by Zhu Zhan, Ningxia King, the 16th son of the first emperor of Ming Dynasty. However, due to the global warming, Helan Fine Snow haven’t been seen for decades. We can only imagine the magnificent and beautiful scene by our predecessors’ description. Fortunately, because of its fine wines, Helan Qingxue winery has become another reason to attract people come here since 2008. Helan Qingxue winery is located in the east foothill of Helan Mountain is situated at the western Yinchuan Plain. It is a diluvial plain between the Yellow River aggraded valley plain and Helan Mountain alluvial fan. It is 3,620,000mu totally, about 24ha. The climate of east foothill of Helan Mountain is mid temperate semiarid climate with an annual average temperature of 8.9℃. Accumulated temperature from April to September is 3289℃, sunshine hours are 3029.6h, annual rainfall is between 150-200mm. Dry and sunny, hot days and cool night. Soil consit of gravel with good drainage. Helan Mountain protects his region from the cold current from the west. And there is a river flowing through to the east, which can supply enough water during the growing seasons.
The Domaine has planted vines start since 1998. Grand Reserve predominant by Cabernet Sauvignon(85%). Fermented and aging 18 months in French oka barrel(60% new).
Most people was interested in whether China can produced good quality Pinot Noir as well as the quality Sparkling. In this respect, Mr.Li thought most of the China wine region is continental climate with heavy, frequently rain during August to September, also the severe winter force to cover up the vines under the ground; so that there is almost without any excellent wine region been found in China, even though there was no reason to expect that China can produced the quality which can compared to Burgundy or Champagne, but we all still waiting and expecting…
Following is the winenote of Jia Bei Lan Grand Reserve 2009.
Helan Qingxue Vineyard Jia Bei Lan Grand Reserve 2009
Garnet. Pronounced, complex, oaky bouquet of coffee, butter, caramel, smoke, cedarwood, tobacco, yeast, dark chocolate with mint, char fried eggs, blackcurrant jam. Lots of spices here of vanilla, ginger, cinnamon, eastern spices, fennel notes. Tannic and full-bodied wine, but still maintain the fresh acidity. Rounded, silky texture.